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Commit2Act Green My Classroom Grants

Multi-School Project

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Environmental Stewardship

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ISTE Standards

1.3.d Explore Real-World Issues

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Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Climate action

About the Project

In Spring of 2024, the Commit2Act program offered Classroom Microgrants to help classrooms adopt greener behaviors while tracking their collective impact through the Commit2Act platform across the school year.


Commit2Act Launch Video (2012)

Commit2Act is a mobile app recently launched at Rio+20 (the United Nations Earth Summit) and featured at the CIVICUS Youth Assembly and CIVICUS World Assembly in Montreal, Canada.

Schools participating in this project

Photo Gallery

  • Making Bird Nests

  • Discussing Climate Change

  • Our Hydroponics

  • The Teaching Garden

  • Teaching Garden Fun Facts

  • Teaching Garden Benefits

  • What does the garden do?